The Importance of Sanitizing High-Traffic Areas in Los Angeles Offices

At The Business Cleaning Company Inc., we understand that a clean and healthy work environment is more than just a matter of appearance—it’s a vital part of workplace safety and productivity. As a nationwide leader in commercial cleaning, we know firsthand how crucial it is to focus on the areas of your office that see the most traffic. These high-traffic areas, such as lobbies, elevators, and break rooms, are hotspots for germs and bacteria. That’s why we emphasize the importance of keeping these spaces thoroughly sanitized to prevent the spread of illnesses and maintain a healthy work environment.

Why High-Traffic Areas Need Special Attention

High-traffic areas are exactly what they sound like—places where people congregate, move through, and interact with shared surfaces. In an office setting, these areas are:

Lobbies and Reception Areas

The lobby is the first point of contact for anyone entering your office. It’s where employees, clients, and visitors gather, often in close proximity. Every day, countless hands touch door handles, countertops, seating, and even magazines in waiting areas. With so many touchpoints, lobbies can quickly become a breeding ground for germs if not properly sanitized.


Elevators are another critical area that requires constant attention. These confined spaces see a high volume of traffic, with people using them multiple times a day. Elevator buttons, in particular, are touched by many hands and can harbor a significant number of germs. In a busy office, these germs can spread quickly from one person to another.

Break Rooms and Kitchens

Break rooms and kitchens are communal areas where employees come together to eat, prepare food, and socialize. These areas are full of high-touch surfaces, such as countertops, microwaves, refrigerators, and coffee machines. Because food is involved, it’s especially important to keep these areas clean to prevent cross-contamination and ensure the health and safety of everyone in the office.

The Health Risks of Neglecting High-Traffic Areas

When it comes to office cleanliness, neglecting high-traffic areas can have serious consequences. At The Business Cleaning Company Inc., we’ve seen the impact that poor sanitation can have on a workplace. Here’s why it’s so important to stay on top of it:

Increased Illnesses

Germs and viruses can survive on surfaces for hours or even days, especially if those surfaces aren’t cleaned regularly. In high-traffic areas, where so many people are touching the same surfaces, germs can spread like wildfire. This can lead to an increase in illnesses among your staff, from the common cold to more serious contagious diseases.

Reduced Productivity

When employees get sick, it doesn’t just affect them—it affects your entire office. Sick days disrupt workflows and slow down productivity. In some cases, illnesses can spread to multiple employees, leading to even more absences and a greater impact on your business. Regular sanitization of high-traffic areas can help prevent this from happening.

Low Employee Morale

A dirty, unsanitary work environment can take a toll on your employees’ morale. If your team members don’t feel safe or comfortable in their workspace, their motivation and engagement can suffer. On the other hand, a clean, well-maintained office shows that you care about their health and well-being, which can boost morale and productivity.

How Regular Sanitization Promotes a Healthy Office

At The Business Cleaning Company Inc., we believe that regular sanitization of high-traffic areas is key to maintaining a healthy and productive office environment. Here’s why:

Prevents the Spread of Germs

One of the most important reasons to keep high-traffic areas sanitized is to prevent the spread of germs. By regularly disinfecting surfaces in lobbies, elevators, and break rooms, you can significantly reduce the number of germs present and lower the risk of illnesses spreading throughout your office. This not only protects your employees but also ensures that your business can continue to operate smoothly.

Creates a Positive Impression

Your office’s cleanliness reflects your company’s values. A clean, well-maintained office makes a positive impression on clients and visitors, showing them that you are professional and attentive to detail. This is especially important in high-traffic areas like lobbies and reception, where first impressions are often formed. When clients see that you take cleanliness seriously, it can enhance your reputation and help build trust.

Supports Employee Health and Well-Being

Your employees are your greatest asset, and their health and well-being should be a top priority. By keeping high-traffic areas clean and sanitized, you create a safer and healthier work environment. This not only helps prevent illness but also shows your employees that you care about their health. When employees feel valued and cared for, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal to your company.

green cleaning

Best Practices for Sanitizing High-Traffic Areas

At The Business Cleaning Company Inc., we’ve developed a comprehensive approach to sanitizing high-traffic areas in Los Angeles offices. Here are some best practices we recommend:

Frequent Cleaning

High-touch surfaces in lobbies, elevators, and break rooms should be cleaned and disinfected multiple times a day, especially during peak office hours. This frequent cleaning helps to keep germs at bay and ensures that surfaces remain safe for everyone to use.

Use of EPA-Approved Disinfectants

Not all cleaning products are created equal. To effectively kill germs and viruses, it’s important to use EPA-approved disinfectants. These products are designed to eliminate a wide range of pathogens, providing a higher level of protection for your office. At The Business Cleaning Company Inc., we use only the best products to ensure your office is as clean and safe as possible.

Educating Employees on Good Hygiene Practices

Sanitizing high-traffic areas is only part of the equation. It’s also important to educate your employees on good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing and the use of hand sanitizers. Encouraging these habits can help reduce the spread of germs and keep your office healthier overall. Consider placing hand sanitizer stations in high-traffic areas and posting reminders about proper handwashing techniques in restrooms and break rooms.

Why Choose The Business Cleaning Company Inc.?

When it comes to commercial cleaning services in Los Angeles, we at The Business Cleaning Company Inc. pride ourselves on delivering top-notch janitorial services. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of service, ensuring that your office is not only clean but also a healthy place for your employees and visitors.

Experience and Expertise

With years of experience in the industry, we have the expertise needed to handle all aspects of commercial cleaning, including the meticulous sanitization of high-traffic areas. Our Los Angeles janitorial services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring that every space is cleaned to the highest standard.

Customized Cleaning Plans

We understand that every office is different, which is why we offer customized cleaning plans to meet your unique needs. Whether you need daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning services, we can create a plan that works for you. Our goal is to provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your office is in good hands.

Commitment to Sustainability

We are also committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly cleaning products and practices whenever possible. We believe that a clean office shouldn’t come at the expense of the environment, which is why we strive to minimize our impact while delivering exceptional results.


At The Business Cleaning Company Inc., we know that the cleanliness of your office is crucial to the health and well-being of your employees, clients, and visitors. By focusing on the sanitization of high-traffic areas, such as lobbies, elevators, and break rooms, you can help prevent the spread of germs, reduce illness, and create a more positive work environment. With our commercial cleaning services in Los Angeles, you can trust that your office will be maintained to the highest standards, allowing you to focus on what you do best—running your business.

If you’re looking for reliable, professional janitorial services in Los Angeles, look no further than The Business Cleaning Company Inc. We’re here to help you keep your office clean, healthy, and productive.

We offer a FREE consultation to discuss your needs and give you a quote. Let’s make your store the talk of the town!

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